Women and Sleep

Does lack of sleep cause high blood pressure


Sleep is vital for our bodies to recuperate – not just for your mental relief. Sleep allows you to heal damaged cells, boost your immune system, process your memories and thoughts, recover from strain, stimulate regeneration and growth so you can wake feeling refreshed. There are a multitude of positives to be gained from a restful sleep – and yes, this may also include your blood pressure (1,2). 

Research shows that poor sleep such as irregularity in sleep patterns, interrupted sleep, insufficient duration and bad quality of sleep may produce a higher chance of hypertension.1

Does reducing blood pressure help me sleep?

This question is more like a “chicken or the egg” or “which came first?” scenario. 

Practicing regular sleep hygiene routines to help reduce stress before sleep such as avoiding screens a few hours before bedtime can help sleep quality. As blood pressure naturally lowers during sleep, a better sleep quality may then aid in reducing hypertension (7)

By mindfully reducing your stress levels every night and making decisions to improve your sleep quality, there’s a better chance you’ll sleep well. And the better you sleep, the better your chance of reducing hypertension and the better your chance of sleeping well the next night. 

With increasing awareness of the link between sleep quality and overall health, the potential link with blood pressure is just another one of the reasons scientists place such importance on sleep.

Ultimately, as it’s possible that sleep and blood pressure are linked, for a positive change in hypertension the choices within your control: taking proactive steps to improve your sleep quality.

How much sleep is needed?

Sleep needs change throughout our lives as we age, so a healthy sleep pattern for children and teens will be different for adults. In early adult life, our sleep requirements stabilise, so the sleep guide for adults over the age of 18 is 7-8 hours a day (8).

What else does sleep effect? 

Sleep is not just when our mind rests, it’s when our body recuperates. We may be lying still for prolonged periods, and we may exert the least amount of physical movement, but sleep is incredibly productive.

Vitally important things are happening within you every night that are impacting your overall health. From immunity to cell regeneration to improving memory, sleep has profound impacts to our mental and physical health. 

Your sleep quality may also affect your blood sugar (3,4), with research finding that sleep loss can lead to increases in insulin levels, which could increase the risk of the development of diabetes. 

Sleep loss can also greatly impair cognitive and mental health (5,6) and substantial evidence points to negative impacts on heart health (7).

Taking steps towards better health with sleep

At ResMed we have resources on how to create a healthy sleep routine. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with sleep, our free online sleep quiz may help. It only takes 3-5 minutes and offers insights on the quality of your sleep, and practical advice on sleep hygiene. Our supportive network of sleep coaches* can also help with any questions and can also help your doctor/GP with a referral. 

Click here for our easy Online Sleep Assessment and take your first steps to sleep well. 

* ResMed Sleep Coaches can give general information about sleep health, sleep disorders and products that may help improve your sleep. They are not qualified healthcare professionals and cannot provide medical advice.


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Relationship between Sleep and Hypertension: Findings from the NHANES (2007–2014)



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